
“A different language is a different version of life.” Federico Fellini


At Evenwood, we believe that the learning of a modern foreign language provides children with a valuable educational, social and cultural experience. The aim of teaching and learning a foreign language is to introduce the children to other languages. Through this learning the children will develop an appreciation of the diversity of languages and an awareness of cultural differences in other countries. At Evenwood, we learn Spanish as a modern foreign language. Children begin Spanish lessons in Year Three but often get an introduction to basic Spanish words in Early Years and KS1.

Our Intent

At Evenwood C of E Primary School, we believe that learning is a change in long term memory. We believe children learn best by having opportunities to revisit previous learning.

At Evenwood we are committed to ensuring that competence in another language enables children to interpret, create and exchange meaning within and across cultures. It also helps children develop skills that will open further opportunities later in life.

The objectives of teaching MFL in our school are:

· Ask and answer questions;
· Use correct pronunciation and intonation;
· Memorise words;
· Interpret meaning;
· Understand basic grammar;
· Use dictionaries;
· Work in pairs and groups, and communicate in Spanish;
· Look at life in another culture;
· Read and decode words both that they have learned and haven’t using phonic knowledge

As a school, we want to:

· To develop a curriculum which promotes progress and understanding for each child.
· To develop knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of speaking and listening, reading and writing in Spanish
· To develop cultural capital to give our students the vital background, knowledge required to be informed and thoughtful members of our communities.
· To give children experiences in a range of topics
· To provide links with our local and wider community to make learning relevant and purposeful

Cultural Capital

Children will learn key phrases and objects such as how to say hello, food items and colours. In addition, they will learn about the Spanish traditions and culture.

They will also experience the following:

  • Will be fully immersed in Spanish language throughout Key Stage 2
  • Being taught be a Spanish teacher
  • Experiencing Spanish food
  • Engaging in Language week


Our MFL curriculum design is based on principles derived from evidence through cognitive science:

· Learning is most effective with spaced repetition.
· Retrieval of previously learnt content is frequent and regular, which increases both storage and retrieval strength.

In addition to the principles, we also understand that learning is invisible in the short term and that sustained mastery takes time.

Our content is subject specific. We make intra-curricular links to strengthen schema. Reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are further promoted in MFL.

Skills and Techniques

· Speaking in Spanish
· Listening to Spanish
· Using phonics to read words
· Find similarities between languages
· Use dictionaries to translate words
· Write simple sentences from memory and with support.

These techniques are repeated over the years so that the children can build upon and refine their skills in each area. Throughout all projects, speaking and listening is a key skill.

The knowledge and skills required to excel in this subject are set out in the MFL progression document. This document is using ‘Language Angels’ progression model. Each member of teaching staff have access to the document as a supportive tool when planning in order to review previous learning; ensure a coherent curriculum that outlines essential knowledge and skill development; and as an accurate assessment tool.

Learning links

KS2 children will have the opportunity to make links with other topics like learning about other cultures in RE and SMSC.

Spanish Long Term Plan


The intended impact of our curriculum is that children build semantic and procedural knowledge; Children will have a sound understanding of how language differs in the world around them.

Links to Accreditation

We are currently working towards achieving the MFL Quality Mark.
