Strand 5 Dignity, Respect & Embracing Difference

The school vision of ‘Life in all its Fullness’ ensures that all pupils and staff can be the best person they can be.  We ensure that every individual is given equal importance.   We consider all of our children as ‘vulnerable’.  Our commitment to the dignity and ultimate worth of each child is rooted in each being created in the image of God.

Staff have had training in Valuing All God’s Children.

Valuing All God’s Children

We ensure that diversity and ‘difference’ is intertwined throughout our curriculum. It ensures we have a range of resources and texts which demonstrates and discusses difference, diversity and ways of living.  Our key texts ensure that we have stories with different family types.  Children are given time throughout the day to express their views in an environment which is rooted in mutual respect.   

Our RSE curriculum was implemented in September 2020. Parents were consulted via zoom and all the information was put on our website and Class Dojo due to Covid restrictions.  Parents were invited to discuss and share any concerns.  Please see the PowerPoint here. Our RSE curriculum is carefully mapped out to ensure diversity and difference s covered at all ages.

Colour Run

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