
It is expected that the behaviour of pupils will bring credit to themselves, their parents and the school. We wish to work with parents to make sure that pupils work conscientiously, are reliable, co-operative and courteous and we want to maintain an environment where everyone can be happy and successful. Our school expectations are simple and few in number and underpin our values. They stem from the United Nations Children’s Rights Charter and are mainly concerned with social awareness (e.g. good manners and respect for others) and the prevention of accidents and damage. Correction is usually effected by a timely word from the staff. If unusual difficulties arise, the parents will be consulted.

There are simple rules which require the assistance of parents and we rely upon your support:

  • No sweets or biscuits are to be brought to school.
  • No money (except when requested) to be brought to school.
  • No items of high monetary or personal value.
  • No toys to be brought to school. Accidental loss or damage can cause heartbreak, especially if the toy is an old favourite.