Mrs L Teesdale

I have lived in the village most of my life. Whilst never attending this school, I volunteered before coming a governor and really enjoyed it.

I am married with two children, who also attend the school, which is why I became part of the governing body. I considered moving out of the village and visited several potential other schools. However because of the school, the education and support that is provided I am no longer considering it. The school has nurtured and helped my children endlessly above and beyond what other schools provide. The whole ethos and feel of the school is unbelievable and each child is building their own personal path through education and every member of the school helps them do this.

I have worked in both finance and education and feel I could put my experience in both to good use and hopefully enhance the governing body.

I am a Co-opt Governor and recently took on the Vice Chair role. I have also joined the finance committee Appeals,Personnel & Discipline,Curriculum and Standards committee. I am also the Link and Safeguarding Governor.

I hope to help the school achieve its targets and help the children receive the best education they can in doing this. I am so proud to be part of the team helping the school strive to reach its goals.