Autumn Term

World War 1

This term in Raby Castle Class we have been learning about World War 1. Children have enjoyed acting out the great war, finding out information about life in the war and designing and creating WW1 medals. We also enjoyed a visit from a member of staff from Bowes Museum who showed the children different artifacts from WW1. Children then created memory boxes and poppies.

National Nursery Rhyme Week

This week we enjoyed singing and acting out different nursery rhymes. We completed mathematical problems related to nursery rhymes, such as ‘How much water is in Jack’s bucket?’. In celebration assembly, Raby Castle class acted out ‘Humpty Dumpty: Was he Pushed or Did he Fall?’

Raby Castle Class Newsletters

2018 – 2019

Autumn 1

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2