Pupil Premium Allocation Report 2013 – 2014

Overall Aims and Objectives in Spending Pupil Premium Grant

  • To ensure that the proportions of children who receive pupil premium are making expected and/or exceeding the progress made by other pupils in the school.
  • To close the gap by addressing inequality and raising the attainment of children from low-income families and children who are looked after.

School Information

Total number of children on roll 75
Total number of children eligible for Pupil Premium 44
Total Amount of PPG Received £33,300
Amount of PPG received per Child £756.82




Intended impact

Employ an additional highly skilled class teacher. Information held in school Reduction of class sizes further so that all teachers focus on promoting learning and raising pupil’s achievement by meeting individual needs.
Parent Support Advisor Information held in school Through the PSA’s support with families, improvements in attendance, punctuality, increased engagement in school activities by parents, eg attending school events, parents evening, supporting children with homework. Improvements in behaviour over time for individuals with particular behaviour needs.
Behaviour Support Service level agreement £1200 Pupils will display a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning which will have a very strong impact on their progress.

Barriers to learning will be removed.

Purchasing of phonic resources £103 To continue the trend of good levels of attainment compared to national averages.
Purchase ‘Toe by Toe’ a spelling programme and ‘word wasp’ £200 To enable all pupils to reach their full potential.
Sound Training £1,440 Raise pupils’ achievement. Improve vocabulary, spelling, reading comprehension. To ensure rapid progress so that all pupils have high levels of literacy appropriate to their age.
Purchasing of library Books £546 To provide pupils with a wider range of reading material that will stimulate and motivate pupils which will lead to raising pupils’ achievement and enable pupils to access different areas of the curriculum.
Kindles and books £1,035 To raise pupils achievement. Increase motivation and improve confidence especially for reluctant readers.
Beanstalk Readers £1080.00 To improve reading skills, comprehension and interest in reading.