Strand 6 – Collective Worship


Collective Worship at Evenwood C of E Primary School has a high priority. It is central to education in our school and forms part of the school’s overall provision for prayer and worship. It is Biblically rooted and, through Christian teachings, learners are able to relate our core Christian values to their own lives.

The children learn the distinctive features of different Christian traditions in worship particularly local Anglican practice, the seasons of the Church’s year and Christian festivals are celebrated regularly.

We ensure that Collective Worship at Evenwood C of E Primary School is inclusive, invitational and inspiring. We believe that it should never be possible to walk away from an encounter with the divine unchanged. Sometimes that change can be massive (a whole new attitude nor way of life), sometimes it can be very small (a fresh understanding of a single fact, or a question to ponder), but it is always beautiful and for the good.

We have a ‘Worship Crew’ which consist of children from all year groups.  The ‘Worship Crew’ play an important part in Worship.  They help plan, lead and evaluate worship. They work closely with staff members to achieve this.  All teaching members of Evenwood C of E plan and deliver whole school worship.


Worship at Evenwood C of E Primary school consists of four parts; gathering, engaging, responding and sending. We use a variety of resources to support the planning of worship including Roots and Fruits and Flippin’ Praise.

We are visited by Rev Brian who leads worship on a regular basis. We have close links with St Paul’s (our local church). Alongside the church supporting the children with the curriculum, children also attend special services at the church such as Easter, Christingle, Harvest etc.

Collective Worship is monitored and evaluated each term as part of our whole school improvement. We feed back our evaluations to the Governors and the children. Peoples’ ideas are very important to us! We like to hear from the children, the staff and the wider community about how Collective Worship transforms us and helps us all to flourish.  We also seek feedback from parents by asking them to complete an annual questionnaire.

Here is how our Worship Crew ensure that the gathering signifies a special time.


Lent Worship

Collective Worship Policy